An inspiring, touching show with Renee Bondi on being engaged at 29 and two weeks later becoming a quadraplegic.
Connie Sokol Talks with Heather Madder, Vicki Escarra & Kelly King Anderson
"Life Is Too Short" Talk Radio Show Discusses Gratitude Thursday
November 13, 2008– Internet & Woodland Hills, Utah–-Connie Sokol, President of LIFEChange, announces the guest for this week's global Internet radio show "Life is Too Short for One Hair Color" starting on the Planetary Streams Talk Radio Network, log on and listen on or to archived shows on
Connie's first guest is Heather Madder, the author Walking on the Ceiling sharing about living a life of purpose and connection.
Her next guest is Vicki Escarra, President, Feeding America, which is the National Food Bank, talking about inspirational life stories and people who have benefited by this program.
Kelly King Anderson, Founder Start-Up Princess and co-founder One Heart Bulgaria, will talk about life-changing experiences in creating her own business as well as non-profit organization.
Topic is on inspirational and life-changing stories for the gratitude month of November
"Each of these women has created a life of meaning and purpose," says Sokol. "They've had marvelous experiences in building organizations that reach out and help others in unique and life-changing ways. We want to share these inspirational stories during this month of remembering, and expressing gratitude for those who have done the same for each of us."
Sokol's one-hour radio show aims to reach all women, specifically 25 to 55, with an emphasis on life and business balance. Guests are nationally and internationally recognized authors, speakers, and business women sharing insights and connections on topics that include a personal life vision, time management, fitness and nutrition, healthy relationships, organization, and money savvy.
Mrs. Sokol's previous radio experience includes KSTAR and Bonneville Communications AM 820 "Radio for Women". She is also a former TV host of Bonneville Communications' weekly "Studio 5" and TV series "Standing Up". Mrs. Sokol is also a columnist for magazines and newspapers, and is the author of Life is Too Short for One Hair Color and Life is Too Short for Sensible Shoes.
"Women want real answers, and they want it with a side of humor, and a bit of cheesecake for the soul. That's what we provide on this radio show."